Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Teacher's Desk: S1: Why do they want to grow up so fast?

 Hey hey! What's up everybody? I know it's been a while but these teenagers been teenagering!! Work has been so hectic ya'll. Get your wine or beverage of choice and meet me at the desk because it is so much we got to unpack. 

This one is for the parents. I have a question. Why do ya'll kids want to grow up so fast? This generation is in such a hurry to be "grown." Their definition of grown is smoking, vaping, skipping class, being sexual, etc. but why? Why are they so intrigued with substances and being seen all the time? I chose to speak about this because something really heartbreaking happened at my school yesterday. A student decided to bring edibles to school and pass them out like he was Oprah! It got so bad that students were sent to the hospital and getting sick. All because they wanted to get high? I really want students to understand that there is so much more to life and adolescence than jeopardizing their bodies and future for an out-of-body experience that does not even last long.  

When I spoke to my students about this, many of them said that they smoke to relieve stress. I don't doubt that they are stressed about school, friends, life, etc. However, Parents, please take time to listen and talk with your kids. Spend more time getting to know them and the kids they hang around. Introduce them to better and safer ways to express themselves whether it be through journaling, sports, hobbies, exercise, whatever they need to keep them on the right track. I would hate to see so many of our youth needing rehab, medicine, mental health programs, etc. all because they decided to use substances at such an early age. Remind them that they are meant for greatness and they cannot give up on themselves so soon. 

That is all I had for you guys today. Stay tuned for next week because this teacher graduates! I am so excited to share this journey with you all!


                                                                                                                        a Concerned First- Year Teacher 

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The Teacher's Desk: S1: Why do they want to grow up so fast?

 Hey hey! What's up everybody? I know it's been a while but these teenagers been teenagering!! Work has been so hectic ya'll. Ge...